Thursday, 31 December 2015

Oracle Cash Management

Oracle Cash Management R12 Reconciliation, AutoReconciliation and Matching Criteria

(1). Matching Bank Statement Lines with Transactions
Reconciling bank statements in Cash Management has two major steps: matching and clearing.
- Matching: Match a bank statement line against a Payables payment, Receivables receipt, Cash Management cashflow, Payroll payment, miscellaneous transaction, or open interface transaction using a transaction number (such as the payment or
deposit number), bank account, amount, and currency. You can match a statement line against a Treasury settlement using date and amount. You can also match a statement line against a General Ledger journal entry. Whenever localizations has
reconciliation function enabled in payments, you can match a bank statement against a Payroll EFT payment by using transaction number and date. If matching criteria are not met, the statement line remains unmatched. For manual reconciliation, there are no restrictions for matching statement lines and transactions.
- Clearing: Clear the transactions that are matched to the bank statement line, if the transactions have not been cleared previously. Only Payables payments, Receivables receipts, Cash Management cashflows, miscellaneous transactions, and open interface transactions can be cleared. Reconciled Payroll payments and General Ledger journal entries are matched but not cleared. You can report on reconciliation exceptions, variances, and items that have been matched.

1). Matching Criteria for Payables Transactions
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program fully matches Payables
transactions against bank statement lines if the transactions meet the following criteria:
- For payment batches (such as EFT batches), the Payment Instruction ID matches the statement line Transaction Number, and the transaction amount is within the reconciliation tolerance, and
- For the detail payment transactions stopped transactions, the matching sequence searches in the following order:
1. Payment Number
2. Invoice Number and Supplier Bank Account
3. Invoice Number and Supplier Name
Also, the transaction amount is within the reconciliation tolerance.

Note: If the bank statement does not provide a check number for a payment, then matching to the invoice number and supplier bank account number is particularly useful.
- For stopped transactions, the payment must first be stopped or voided in Payables.

2). Matching Criteria for Receivables Transactions
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program fully matches Receivables
transactions against bank statement lines if the transactions meet the following criteria:
- For remittance batches (such as Direct Debit batches), the Remittance Batch Deposit Number or Receipt Batch Name matches the statement line Transaction Number and the transaction amount is within the reconciliation tolerance.
- For detail remittance transactions, NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds), and Rejected transactions, the matching sequence searches in the following order:
1. Receipt Number
2. Invoice Number and Customer Bank Account Number
3. Invoice Number and Customer Name
Note: Also, the transaction amount is within the reconciliation tolerance.
If the bank statement does not provide a receipt number for a receipt, then matching to the invoice number and customer bank account number is particularly useful.
- For NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) or Rejected transactions the receipt must first be reversed in Receivables.

3). Matching Criteria for Oracle Payroll Transactions
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program matches Oracle Payroll manual
transactions against bank statement lines if the transactions meet the following criteria:
- For manual Payroll payments, the payment number matches the statement line transactions number and the payment amount, and the payment amount matches the statement line amount.
- For Oracle Payroll EFT transactions, the matching sequence searches in the following order:
1. Transaction Number and Transaction Date
2. Transaction Number, Batch Amount, and Transaction Date
- Reconciliation tolerances do not apply to Payroll payments.

4). Matching Criteria for Miscellaneous Transactions
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program matches miscellaneous transactions if the transactions meet the following criteria:
- If the transaction type matches to regular miscellaneous transactions:
- The transaction amount is within the reconciliation tolerance.
- The Receipt Number matches the statement line Transaction Number.
- If the transaction type matches to correction statement lines:
- For reversal corrections, the statement line has the same transaction number, same amount, and opposite transaction type (for example, Miscellaneous Receipt and Miscellaneous Payment), or
- For adjustment corrections, the statement line has the same transaction number, and has a transaction type of payment, receipt, miscellaneous payment, or miscellaneous receipt, and the net amount is within the reconciliation tolerance.

5). Matching Criteria for Open Interface Transactions
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program matches open interface
transactions if the transactions meet one of the following criteria:
- The Transaction Number matches the statement line Transaction Number, and the transaction amount is within the reconciliation tolerance.
- The transaction date and amount are the same as the bank statement line date and amount. If you use the Reconciliation Open Interface to reconcile Treasury settlements, then you must choose date and amount as the matching criteria.

6). Matching Criteria for General Ledger Journals
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program matches General Ledger journal transactions if the transactions meet the following criteria:
- The journal line is posted.
- The journal line Accounting Flexfield matches the bank account's Cash Accounting Flexfield.
- The journal line Description matches the statement line Transaction Number.

7). Matching Criteria for Cash Management Cashflows
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program fully matches Cash Management cashflow transactions in the following sequence:
1. Statement Line ID (for transfers created through the sweep transactions program or
transactions created from bank statement lines)
2. Bank Reference Number, Date, and Amount
3. Agent Bank Account, Date, and Amount
Note: The transaction amount must be within the reconciliation tolerance.

9). Run Program: Autoreconciliation

From Concurrent Request, Parameters needed:

Bank Branch Name:  -- Provide / Select
Bank Account Number:   -- Provide / Select
Statement Number From:  -- Provide / Select
Statement Number To:  -- Provide / Select
Statement Date From:  -- Provide / Select
Statement Date To:  -- Provide / Select
GL Date:  -- Provide
Organization:  -- Provide / Select
Receivable Activity:
Payment Merthod:
NSF Handling:  -- Options: No Action, Debit Memo Reversal, Reverse

To Insure that all the important parameters become mandatory, Please do as follows:

Responsibiity System Administrator
Concurrent - Program - Define

Short Name = ARPLABRC
Click Parameters

Find the Parameters

Bank Branch Name
Bank Account Number
Statement Number from
Statement Number to

For Each Parameter, in the Validation Section, Check the Required Check box to make each Parameter Mandatory when running the Program - AutoReconciliation Reconciliation concurrent process.

Click Save

(2). Question / Answers:

Q1: To mark a bank statement as complete:
1. Navigate to the Find Bank Statements window.
2. Enter the query criteria for the statement you want to mark as complete, or leave
the criteria blank to query all existing statements.
3. Choose Find to see the Reconcile Bank Statements folder window.
4. Select the statement you want to complete, then choose Review.
5. In the Bank Statement window, check the Complete check box.

Q2: To unmark a completed bank statement:
1. Navigate to the Bank Statement window, as above.
2. Uncheck the Complete check box.

(3). Reconciliation Controls
1. Optionally, you can select Payables Matching Order 1, Payables Matching Order 2, Float Handling, and Receivables Matching Order.

Foreign Currency Bank
1. Optionally, you can select Exchange Rate Type and Exchange Rate Date.

Open Interface Controls
1. Optionally, you can select Use Reconciliation Open Interfaces and Open Interface

Matching Criteria.
2. Optionally, you can enter Float Status and Clear Status.

Manual Reconciliation Tolerances
1. Optionally, you can enter Tolerance Amount and Tolerance Percentage.

Auto Reconciliation Tolerances
1. Optionally, you can enter Tolerance Amount, Tolerance Percentage, Foreign Tolerance Differences, and Tolerance Differences.
1. Optionally, you can enter Tolerance Amount, Tolerance Percentage, and Foreign Tolerance Differences.
1. Optionally, you can enter Tolerance Amount, Tolerance Percentage, Foreign Tolerance Differences, and Tolerance Differences.
Open Interface
1. Optionally, you can enter Tolerance Amount and Tolerance Percentage, Foreign Tolerance Differences, and Tolerance Differences.
2. Click Save and Next.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Oracle Interface Frequently Asked Questions

Oracle Interface Frequently Asked Questions

1)What process you have folllowed to develop Inbound Interface?


2)What are  the Interface tables?


3)What are the Base tables?


4)What is the Standard program has used to import data?


5)How to track the errors in Interfae?


6)What are the Validations you have done?


7)Tell me some of teh errors which you have faced?


8)Have you used "Autonomous Transaction" in Interface?


9)What is the diff between Inbound and Outbound?


10)Wether you have used UTL_FILE or SQL*loader?


11)What is format of Data file ? (.csv)


12)Wether your Interface is scheduled or manuvally running ? (Scheduled)


14)what is the Differenc between Converison and Interface?

Friday, 27 March 2015

Read Only Responsibility in Oracle Apps

Read Only Responsibility in Oracle Apps

Standard/Oracle recommended solution:
§ Identify the menu that is attached to the your responsibility just like GL super user and Payable manager. 
§ Identify the form functions that are attached to the respective menu. 
§ Now create new form functions similar to the standard one but with the parameter QUERY_ONLY="YES" like below.

Navigation : System Administrator --> Application --> Function --> Form --> Parameter

Friday, 6 March 2015

Oracle Apps Payable Table Structure

Oracle Apps Payable Table Structure:

Supplier Tables

This table replaces the old PO_VENDORS table.
It stores information about your supplier level attributes.
It stores information about your supplier site level attributes.
 stores Payee(supplier) information.
 Party data for the suppliers.
Party site data for the supplier sites.B4

Supplier Interface tables

Supplier Interface. Execute Supplier Open Interface Import Program
Supplier site interface. Execute "Supplier Sites Open Interface Import" Program


It contains records for invoices you enter
It contains records for invoice lines entered manually, generated automatically or imported from the Open Interface.
It holds the distribution information that is manually entered or system-generated

Invoice Interface

Invoice Header Information. Run Payables Open Interface Import concurrent program
Invoice Lines and Distributions Information


Check Header Information
Details of Invoice paid by a Check/Payment




Payment Process Request information  (11i Terminology is  Payment Batch)
Payment Instruction information
Invoice information stored by IBY for generating payment
Payment Information


replaces AP_AE_LINES_ALL

Bank Accounts


Credit Card Transactions Table

Use the Credit Card Transaction Interface Table to load transaction datafrom your credit card issuers into your Payables system. When younsubmit the Credit Card Transaction Validation and Exception Report, for records where the CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FLAG is Y, Payables
uses the data in the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES table to create distributions with proper accounts in the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS